Persistence and Patience - Short eared owls

Sometimes there are dry spells, sometimes months between interesting moments when you do nature photography.  After the Salmon spawning season last fall I have been experiencing one of those times.  Three months of rain nearly every day then a cold spell made it difficult to get out much in a time of the year when there often isn't much to shoot.  Even when there may be something out there you still need a good deal of patience.

Salmon run on Vancouver Island - How to get Good shots while Watching Black Bears get Fat

I've recently been able to show a few fellow photographers around our new home and in particular they came during the Salmon spawning season on the local rivers. I had been working on an article about what to shoot and how in these conditions and have finally been able to finish my thoughts after talking about the bears and where and how to get the shots with those friends.

Sigma, Please bring it back

There is one piece of camera gear that I sold that I truly want a new version. The Sigma 120-300 was one of my most used lenses for low light nature photography and I would love for Sigma to come out with a new version updated for todays Sony cameras. See my latest blog posting for my particular reason for wanting a reasonably priced large aperture telephoto zoom.

Black Bears on Vancouver Island - first video of the Salmon season

As we approach Labour Day on Vancouver Island the Salmon have already started making their way up some of the rivers, and when they do the black bears forego the blackberries and head up river. Salwa and I have been out each evening walking along the river for the last week or so and she put together this video from one of the walks.

My Love/Hate relationship with Canon R5 -how that relates to the release of the R5 mark II

With the latest releases from Canon and after selling my R5 a few months ago I really have to think about whether or not I will buy this camera or start to divest in my Canon gear. Latest blog post goes through my thoughts on this camera and what I’m thinking now.

Campbell River Eagles

Campbell River on the east coast of Vancouver Island is a town with many highlights from a photography point of view. Bears and salmon in the fall, Whale sightings daily, and eagles….so many eagles. Below is a gallery of some of the most interesting bald eagle shots I have captured this year. Most of these shots have been taken within 10 km of home. This is one of the things I look forward to after work daily going for a walk along the coast with the camera with a chance to capture some interesting action and some beautiful birds of prey.

Northern Lights from Campbell River

The skies lit up with pastel colours as the Northern Lights were visible across much of North America due to a parade of coronal mass ejections that interacted with the earth’s magnetic field. If you could get away from city lights the Aurora was visible to the naked eye but with a camera we can capture a bit more light and get some amazing shots.

No Fixed Plans - Episode 10 - Don’t Settle

The final episode of our 5 months on the road with our camper trailer and cameras. We chased the sun, but the rain and cold were always just nipping at our heels. It may not have been the trip we expected but it was certainly a trip to remember.

Winter Photo Trip - Final Stage - the long road home

After getting our trailer fixed in east Texas, we took a long detour all the way to Miami for a boat show. The weird weather followed us pretty much to the Florida border and then we finally got some sun. The way back allowed us to visit old friends in South Carolina before that long trip across the country and then back north. We did manage to find plenty of interesting places to stay and some great photo locations. We also finally got to really do some back country camping on BLM land instead of mostly being in State or National parks. This was a nice change of pace camping out there mostly alone. Take a look at the final days of our trip, both the nature and landscape was amazing. In the end this was what I would consider a sampler trip, not too much time any one place but we now know a great many places we want to go back to. Hopefully some places where at the right time of year we can get those portfolio shots.

NO FIXED PLANS - STAGE 9 - Westward bound again

After our detour to Florida for a boat show we started back towards the west coast. The road seemed clear a head of us but storms were right behind us all the way. We did start to find some of the best campsites of our trip and some fantastic photo locations along the way. Welcome back to our photo road trip as we visit a beach tree grave yard in South Carolina, go through sand storms in Texas, sleep with the cows in Arizona, and find some burrowing owls in the California desert.

Burrowing owls on the side of the road in California.

Bears Galore

Salmon spawning in the rivers on Vancouver Island means food for bears, and that means a lot of bears wandering up and down the rivers near home. Black bears are currently after the pink salmon as they come up river and that gives me a great chance to capture them doing lots of interesting things. Take a look in the Bears gallery to see some of the latest shots.

Tech Blog - The Fuji GFX100 II.

Another temptation but is it a camera that a nature and landscape photographer should buy?


Texas was so big that we couldn’t fit everything into one video. This episode takes us along the southern border through Big Bend State park and up to Marfa a tiny artist town in the middle of nowhere.

No Fixed Plans - Stage 7 - Texas

This episode of Chasing the Sun takes us into Texas and down to Big Bend National Park. Head on over to No.Fixed.Plans on YouTube to check out more.

Winter Photo trip - Stage 3 - The Desert States

Once we moved in land from the California coast into the desert climates the weather was supposed to get much warmer. We it did show some sunlight but as usual we were met with unusual weather but that often made for more interesting pictures. This blog takes us through California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas with stops in many of the national and state parks. This is a bit of a long blog post but there was so much to see I think it is worth the read.

Hoodoos on the road up to Mt. Lemmon near Tucson, Arizona.

Show Case: Winter Photo Trip

We packed our camper and moved on from the Okanagan Valley to spend winter along the west coast of the US and Canada. First leg of that journey is on Vancouver Island where we have encountered much of what makes this area a rainforest. Cold wet weather but amazing pockets of beauty. We have traveled through Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and then moved back towards the coast and back up to our final destination in the Kootenays of British Columbia. The trip is now over but I’m still processing shots as I go back through them. Below is a collection of what I think are my favourite images from the trip.

Nature Photography on the Road - Part 2: The West (Wet) Coast

We are off on an extended photography trip through the west of Canada and the US. We wander down highway 1 and 101 from Washington through the north of California trying to stay ahead of the cold and rain while taking every opportunity we have to get shots of the amazing coastline.

Double rainbow over Lone Ranch beach. Click on the image to go to the blog post for the second leg of our trip.

Gear Wish List - What I would like Sony to do in the next Couple of years.

I have been using Sony camera gear for pretty much as long as Sony has been doing mirrorless cameras. They have been pretty good at bringing out new and innovative technology at a time when other companies were doing 4 year cycles with small incremental improvements. Now that they are right up there with Canon (in some areas ahead and in some still lacking) I thought I would put down on “paper” what I would like to see them do in terms of what we personally would want for our photography and videography. We are getting to the point were our wishlist may not be what many others want, but I have a feeling there are other nature photographers who might want some of the things here. Let me know what you think as I’m sure others have completely different wants and needs.

One of the items that was on my wish list was an update to the A7RIV, and before I finished one arrived. This camera ticked many of the boxes that I thought would be improvements, added some things I didn’t know I wanted, and omitted some things I had hoped for. It was compelling enough for me to purchase and I’m pretty happy with the results.

Meet the neighbours

We have been hiking around the Okanagan valley and the Kootenays for the last year looking for any interesting nature we can find. Pika and bats are two that are new to me in terms of getting shots.

Pika warming up in the sunlight in Kokanee Glacier park

A rare find. Daylight hunting for what is likely a little brown bat.

The Sky at Night

After the wildfires settled down around the Okanagan valley, the sky at night has been relatively clear more often that not. This has given me a chance to get out and experiment with some night photography. Using everything from a fisheye out to 1000mm I can get some very different perspectives. Next step is to look deeper into the stars, galaxies and nebulas once I get more used to using the star tracker.

Milky way over the cherry farm. Canon R5, 8-15mm f/4 at 8mm, f/4, 30 seconds, ISO 3200

Moon descending behind the trees in the Okanagan Valley. Canon R5, 500mm at F/4, 1/200s, ISO 200

Originally we thought Arizona and New Mexico would be as far as we would travel on this trip. The weather again would be the deciding factor as we were able to spend a couple of weeks in the area before the cold came to find us. In this episode we get to hike through some iconic parks but only see a portion of these beautiful states. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch videos phocused on nature photography, travel locations, photo tools and technology.

Salwa uploaded our latest video, the fifth installment of our west coast trip. Valley of fire in Nevada and Joshua Tree in California are two very different and beautiful desert like landscapes. Fantastic hiking and scrambling up rocks to find amazing photographic landscapes.